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Amazing Touch Chiropractic

Luxury Nervous System Care

Dr. Jason Dulberg & Dr. Mark Dulberg

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Neurophysiology and Chiropractic

Chiropractic involves the study and care of the human nervous system, so it should be no surprise that there has been incredible neurological research conducted. Chiropractic has so many neurophysiological effects that we could not list them all if we tried. For example, stimulation of sympathetic vs parasympathetic pathways, activation of the cerebellum, cerebrum, hemispheres, lobes, ventricles, and more are all common outcomes of chiropractic care. Chiropractic can reduce nociception in joints and increase proprioception, target specific spinal cord tracts and more. Check out the research below on lots of cool connections between chiropractic and neurophsyiology.

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