Network Chiropractic
Network Chiropractic is an evidence-based approach to health and wellness created by Dr. Donald Epstein in 1987. Network chiropractic is also referred to as network spinal analysis and networkspinal. It is a network of seven different chiropractic techniques: Full Spine Toggle, Pierce Results System, Thompson Terminal Drop, Sacro-Occipital Technique, Logan Basic, Directional Non-Force Technique, and Toftness. This technique guides your body in creating sustainable, efficient strategies within the nervous system to release tension and adapt to stress. Network chiropractic utilizes light touches to specific areas along the spine. These touches assist your nervous system in finding and reorganizing tension patterns within the body that pull the spine out of position, thus altering your experience of life.
You will gain access to a greater connection within your body so it can effectively heal, grow, and adapt to life and its challenges. Under our care you will start to recognize areas where you’ve limited yourself and begin feeling empowered to shift your experience of life. Check out some of the most advanced research in chiropractic below.