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Car Accident Chiropractic

Auto accidents are a terrible interruption of life and health. A car crash can lead to major instability in one's life and may result in weeks or even months of legal battles, health care, and headaches surrounding the event. Many people worry about insurance premiums, getting to work, a new vehicle, car repairs, legal escalation, etc., but your health is the most important factor in such an extreme situation, it is the only thing that is not replaceable. Although we cannot help with putting your car back together we can definitely help with putting you back together!

When a car accident occurs the biggest problem biomechanically is that the force of the other car is transferred through your body. This happens rapidly, violently, and sometimes with no warning so you have no time to brace yourself. As the force makes its way through your body, instantaneously your body responds by shifting your bones, discs, ligaments, and muscles to best reduce the amount of damage that you will sustain. Think of cooked versus uncooked pasta. If you try to bend the uncooked pasta it snaps, but if you bend the cooked one it flexes with the force. Your spine works the same way! However, in the process of flexing with the force you may get whiplash, bruising, or a displacement of bones, discs, and ligaments. Chiropractic care would then be imperative for your health as we can bring your spine back to its natural alignment, reducing tension on nerves that may be causing aches and pains.

Do you have any questions about how we can help you with your car accident? Get in touch with us.

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(305) 945 - 4080


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